IELTS ( The International English Language Testing System )

The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is a globally recognized examination designed to assess the language proficiency of non-native English speakers. IELTS consists of four main parts, each serving a distinct purpose in evaluating an individual's English language skills. Firstly, the Listening section assesses one's ability to comprehend spoken English through a variety of contexts, such as lectures, conversations, and monologues. Second, the Reading component evaluates reading comprehension skills by presenting passages of increasing complexity, with questions designed to measure the ability to extract information and infer meaning. The Writing segment includes two tasks: Task 1, where test-takers describe visual data or present information in a brief, structured format, and Task 2, which requires writing a coherent essay in response to a given prompt. Finally, the Speaking section evaluates one's ability to engage in a face-to-face conversation, assessing fluency, pronunciation, vocabulary, and overall communication skills. Altogether, IELTS provides a comprehensive assessment of a candidate's English

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